proposes new Helsinki Act |
The Kremlin published a draft treaty on
European security on Sunday that should formalize President Dmitry
Medvedev's main foreign policy initiative put forth in June 2008,
several months after he assumed office.
The president proposed creating new
security mechanisms involving all Euro-Atlantic and Eurasian countries.
Vladimir Zharikhin, deputy director of the
Institute of the CIS, said the treaty was nearly as good as the Helsinki
Act. "If the European countries sign it, the OSCE will become
redundant," he said.
However, Zharikhin said the security
agreement would not be signed until Europe settles the problems of
Kosovo, Abkhazia and South Ossetia.
"Half of Europe thinks the status quo
includes Kosovo and the other half does not think so. Russia thinks the
status quo should also include Abkhazia and South Ossetia, while the EU
rejects the idea," Zharikhin said. "There will be no common security
space unless both sides settle these problems."
One legally binding document cannot
resolve these issues, said Dmitry Trenin, director of the Carnegie
Moscow Center and chair of its Expert Council and its Foreign and
Security Policy program.
The problem is Russia's lack of trust in
the United States and Eastern Europe's lack of trust in Russia, he said.
Alexander Konovalov, president of the
Institute for Strategic Assessment and Analysis, a nongovernmental think
tank, said: "The main problem with the [proposed] treaty is that it is
based on the principles of the OSCE, which has lost its significance."
Mikhail Vinogradov, president of the
Petersburg Policy Fund, said the treaty was most likely drafted to
ensure that Russia leads the process for creating a new common security
"The key issue on which Russia and the EU
differ is the interpretation of threat. To Europe, Russia is a threat.
However, in the future this initiative would give Russia an additional
trump card in its relations with Europe. It would be able to say, 'We
proposed a solution, but you rejected it'," Vinogradov said.
RIA Novosti
Session with
participation of “Golden Parliament” MPs took place in the People’s
Assembly |
Yesterday Abkhazia
celebrated the 15th anniversary of the country’s Constitution. Thereupon
a session with participation of the MPs of the Supreme Council adopting
this Constitution on November 26, 1994 took place in the Parliament.
That convocation is called “Golden Parliament” now. It was headed by
Vladislav Ardzinba.
The incumbent President
Sergey Bagapsh, the Prime Minister Alexander Ankvab, the Vice Prime
Minister Leonid Lakerbaya, the Minister for Foreign Affairs Sergey
Shamba, the secretary of Public Chamber Natella Aqaba, the Abkhaz State
University rector Aleko Gvaramia, the head of the Center for strategic
researches Oleg Damenia, a MP of the present Parliament Valery Bganba,
the head of the Abkhaz branch of the “Institute for Eurasian researches”
Socrat Dzhindzholia, Klimenty Dzhindzholia, Daur Bargandzhia, Jury
Voronov, Stanislav Lakoba, Valery Kvarchia, Gennady Alamia, Zurab Achba,
Albert Topolyan, Victor Loginov, and others were among the MPs of the
“Golden Parliament” (1991 – 1996).
At the session of the
Parliament they were remembering the events of the15 years’ prescription:
Oleg Damenia:
15 years is not long a period for the history, but a lot has changed
over those years. Looking back in the past one cannot but notice that
every time we had to win our life back from the history. The
Constitution was not an exception from this point of view.
We were adopting it in
the most complicated situation. We were as though between Scylla and
Charybdis. One couldn’t but adopt it, but it was dangerous to adopt. The
matter is that negotiations began right after the war, and in April,
1994 the well-known “Statement on measures of political settlement of
the Georgian-Abkhaz conflict” was adopted.
We haven’t received a
more important document over the entire negotiations. And it contains
very important clauses one of which says that Abkhazia and Georgia have
the right for independent state formation. The following clause says
that there are no state-legal relations between Abkhazia and Georgia.
And this document was adopted in Moscow in the presence of the Secretary
General of the United Nations Boutros Boutros-Ghali, the Minister for
Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation and other leaders of Russia
and foreign observers, politicians, analysts. It was very important a
Georgians, in my opinion,
agreed to sign this statement hoping for support from the international
community in return of Abkhazia to Georgia. Russia was also on the
Georgia’s side.
Since the Constitution of
the Republic of Abkhazia of 1925 which we returned to after the collapse
of the USSR on July 23, 1992 was inconsistent with new realities the
problem of adoption of a new supreme law of the country faced us. It
was a question of sovereign Abkhazia in the Constitution of 1925.
Taking the decision to
prepare and adopt a new Constitution, we had to take into consideration
the reaction of the international community. And today, taking this or
that decision, we should consider a possible reaction of the outer world.
Many people remember well
the complicated situation, how the Constitution of 1994 was being
adopted. To this very day people are talking that we have worked out and
adopted this Constitution in the Parliament almost privately.
Yes, Sergey Shamba indeed
put the item of adoption of the Constitution on the agenda of the
Supreme Council’s session additionally. We couldn’t work so openly and
freely as today’s MPs do. Abkhazia was under severe foreign policy
If the outer world knew
that we were going to adopt the Constitution of a sovereign, independent
state it, most likely, would try not to allow it. By the way, our fears
proved to be true. Both Russia and the West gave a hostile reception to
adoption of the Constitution of the Republic of Abkhazia. But time made
it clear that we were right.
As to the text of the
Constitution, we then understood it wasn’t ideal. There are no ideal
Constitutions in the world at all. Undoubtedly, it contains drawbacks,
but it also contains mechanisms of eliminating them, making necessary
amendments and changes.
As to such institutions
as the Constitutional Court or the Audit Chamber not provided by the
present Constitution, nobody and nothing prevents the Parliament from
making these changes to the country’s supreme law.
Natella Akaba:
today is a very important day indeed. In my opinion, two extremely
important points should be mentioned. First, adoption of the
Constitution in 1994 was caused by the fact that it was impossible to
live under the Constitution of 1925 in the new historical situation. In
the Constitution of 1925 it was a question of the dictatorship of the
proletariat and the state of workers and peasants. It’s clear it would
be at least strange to enter the new world with such slogans. I regard
our Constitution of 1994 as some kind of a cry of a newborn who let the
world know about himself.
It is very important that
with adoption of the new Constitution we have passed on to an absolutely
new system. It is a question of a modern, democratic state with the
presidential system. We have had a parliamentary republic before. And
here we passed on to the presidential republic. This idea has originally
been stated by the unforgettable Zurab Achba. He considered that in the
situation we were going through it was very important to consolidate
power and to put a strong president at the head of the state. Then, in
the conditions of hostile environment, it was very important indeed. And
we were almost sure Georgia would find no rest and would keep on trying
to take a revenge for the military defeat.
Therefore I think it was
very right a step and the history proved it. The principle of division
of three branches of power and guarantees of people’s and citizens’
fundamental rights and freedoms are reflected in the Constitution.
I believe that Abkhazia
looks adequately on the international scene with such a Constitution. We
can go ahead with it though obviously time requires some additions and
changes should be made.
I congratulate all on
this holiday and I believe we have gained this constitution through
suffering and it’s worthy of our state.
Sergey Shamba:
the Constitution was adopted on November 26, 1994 at 5:14pm. I fixed it
on a copy of the draft Constitution we voted for. I got signatures of
all the MPs who were present. And one and all were present.
I think everybody
understands this Constitution marked a new stage in the development of
our state.
It’s right that there are
no perfect Constitutions. Tables do turn, time does amend. But this
Constitution laid the foundation of a democratic legal state. Future
generations are likely to make a lot of changes, but I’m sure they will
not change the foundations of the constitutional system of our country.
Aleko Guaramia:
I cannot but point to the role Vladislav Grigorievich Ardzinba played
that time. Adoption of this Constitution, our state’s survival in the
most complicated post-war years is his great service.
The way we were arguing
with the Georgian fraction made it clear the present Supreme Council
would win. Therefore there was a war; Georgia didn’t have another way
Some provisions of the
1994 Constitution need to be changed. The President was right to create
the Commission on Constitutional Reform.
I congratulate all with
today’s holiday. It is a real holiday. Let's advise the young people to
study this constitution, to live according to it. It concerns anybody in
Let's respect this
Constitution, cherish it and to remember how hard we got it. How much
blood has been shed. Rest in Peace Jure Voronov, Zurab Achba who did
much for us to be able to adopt it.
Valery Bganba:
Really there were fears that adoption of the Constitution would provoke
a new war, that the world community would give it a hostile reception,
but it was already impossible to live under the Constitution of 1925.
All of us understand perfectly well that indeed the Constitution of 1994
fixed nation’s victory in the liberation war. Naturally, there are no
ideal Constitutions, but the Constitution must develop with the
development of state institutions and the society.
Lev Shamba:
It took a lot of courage to adopt the Constitution in those hard times.
I remember the session when our MPs were speaking and adopting the
Supreme law. That time it was a courageous step which should be
reflected in the history of our state.
I would like people,
young generation to know the history of adoption of the Constitution and
the people who have been struggling for it. The situation was difficult
then; everyone ran the risk of life.
Vyacheslav Tsugba:
I remember that back in 1994 the world community condemned our
Parliament’s actions, kept on saying the Constitution hadn’t been
adopted nation-widely, etc.
On October 3, 1999 at the
referendum the overwhelming majority of the country’s citizens approved
article 1 of the Constitution which proclaims “the Republic of Abkhazia
(Apsny) a sovereign, democratic, legal state which has historically
established by the right of the people to free self-determination”. Our
compatriots came from different cities to vote for the Constitution.
After the referendum the Bill of state independence of the Republic of
Abkhazia was adopted.
Adoption of the
Constitution was a new stage in the legislative activity of the
Parliament. Our legislation is consistent with the Constitution to the
full; we have changed a number of laws including the law “About
citizenship of the Republic of Abkhazia” and a number of others for them
to be consistent with the country’s Supreme law.
Batal Kobakhia:
This Constitution couldn’t be adopted but for the people defending the
rights and values who stood behind the MPs of the first “Golden
Parliament”. It is all reflected in the Constitution.
From my part I would like
to say that I’m infinitely happy that norms and values laid in many
international documents, first of all, the Universal Declaration of
Human Rights, the European Convention of Human Rights and so on are
reflected in our Constitution.
Besides, I’d like to
mention that in our country we practically don’t go down below the norms
and values laid in the Constitution. Certainly, there are problems, but
I believe that the value of our system and the state is that we respond
to the problems which are created in the society and try to solve them.
Garik Samanba:
I remember field commanders me among them were invited when the
Constitution was being adopted. I didn’t quite get then why it has been
done, but later on I understood that the decision which could lead to a
new war with Georgia was actually taken. I respect very much those who
has taken this decision. You had a magic touch when you touched the
adoption of the Constitution.
Official Site of the President of the Republic of
One can vote for
president of Abkhazia in Karachay-Cherkessia |
A polling station
to vote at presidential elections of Abkhazia will be opened on November
30 in the Cherkessk city administration, a spokesperson for the
Government of Karachay-Cherkessia said.
"The polling
station where citizens of Abkhazia can vote will be opened in a hall of
the Cherkessk city administration. For today the local election
commission in Karachay-Cherkessia headed by the Consul of the Republic
of Abkhazia in the territory of Karachay-Cherkessia Oleg Etlukhov has
been already formed”, the deputy Chairman of the Republican Election
Commission Vyacheslav Aparin said.
Official Site of the President of the Republic of
Russia and Abkhazia
going to sign agreement on air communication |
The Chairman of the
Russian Government ordered the Ministry of Transportation of Russia to
carry on negotiations with the Government of Abkhazia, which will result
in signing an intergovernmental agreement on cooperation in the field of
air traffic.
"Each of the
parties contributes to the establishment of conditions enabling the
other party to perform aircraft flights, as well as its navigational,
technical and airport servicing", - the draft agreement says.
In compliance with
the supplement to the agreement, "the party responsible for servicing
the air space above the territory of the state of the other party shall
be responsible for the quality and completeness of such servicing".
The Russian party
informs international organizations about the activity of civil aviation
of Abkhazia and represents the interests of the Republic of Abkhazia in
the International Civil Aviation Organization until Abkhazia joins the
International Civil Aviation Organization", - the draft agreement says.
Official Site of the President of the Republic of
from the Central Election Commission of Abkhazia |
Today the Central
Election Commission spread a statement in connection with a complaint of
the presidential candidate Raul Hajymba that x-copies of passports of
some citizens of the Republic of Abkhazia working for different public
authorities and state-run enterprises are taken forcibly.
“In spite of the fact
that the complaint of the candidate Hajymba R. D didn’t produce any
concrete fact when x-copies of passports had been illegally taken, at a
press conference in the Association of mass-media employees of the
Republic of Abkhazia Mr. Hajymba R. D cited the Sukhum city clinical
hospital as an example of illegal reception of copies of passports”, the
statement from the Central Election Commission says.
According to the Chairman
of the Central Election Commission Batal Tabagua, thereupon the Central
Election Commission of the Republic of Abkhazia sent a letter of inquiry
to the Ministry of Health Care of the Republic of Abkhazia.
“The answer specifies
that the “Human Resources” program was installed in the Ministry of
Health Care in 2008 where personal information (first name, last name,
birth date and birth place, passport information and profession data)
for doctors, line and junior personnel and technicians of all the
medical establishments of the Republic of Abkhazia is accumulated. This
information has been collected not only in the Sukhum city clinical
hospital, but in other medical establishments too, in particular, in the
Republican hospital, the Republican children hospital, the Republican TB
dispensary, the Republican dermatovenerologic dispensary, the Republican
narcological dispensary, the Sukhum city children polyclinic, the #1 &
#3 Sukhum city polyclinics, the Ochamchira Central District Hospital,
the Tkuarchal Central District Hospital, the Gagra Central District
Hospital”, the statement from the Chairman of the Central Election
Commissions reads.
According to Batal
Tabagua, “in none of the cases listed above there is a reason to claim
that the administrative resource is applied in the course of the
elections as it has nothing to do with the election campaign”.
The Central Election
Commission of the Republic of Abkhazia “draws attention of all the
presidential candidates of the Republic of Abkhazia and representatives
empowered to act for them that accurate and reliable facts should be
indicated in the complaints sent to the Central Election Commission of
the Republic of Abkhazia”. “Complaints containing no indication of
concrete violations of the electoral legislation will not be considered”,
the Central Election Commission says.
Meanwhile, the Central
Election Commission of the Republic of Abkhazia declares that “no person
has the right to demand arbitrarily from the citizen of the Republic of
Abkhazia to give him a copy of the passport, and the citizen of the
Republic of Abkhazia, in turn, is not obliged to give anyone a copy of
the passport, except for the cases provided by the legislation”.
The Central Election
Commission of the Republic of Abkhazia also “calls citizens to turn to
the Central Election Commission of the Republic of Abkhazia and inform
about the cases when they are demanded illegally to give a copy of the
Official Site of the President of the Republic of
of Abkhazia turns 15 |
On November 26 Abkhazia
marks the Constitution Day.
On November 26, 1994 the
Supreme Council of the unrecognized republic of Abkhazia adopted “the
Constitution of a sovereign, democratic, legal state — the Republic of
The same day MPs of the
supreme legislative body of the country elected the first President —
Vladislav Ardzinba who had been the Chairman of the Supreme Council of
the country before.
The Constitution of
Abkhazia was adopted in a difficult situation when the ring of economic
blockade was tightening round Abkhazia. As a matter of fact, the
Constitution was adopted under the conditions of collapse and poverty,
external threat.
Today the Constitution of
the Republic of Abkhazia is the supreme law of the country, the core of
the state. It is a legal basis of strong presidential power. It assigns
huge powers to the President.
A session dedicated to
the 15th anniversary of the Constitution will be held in the Parliament
on November 26, 2009 at 11:00am. Then MPs will go to the park at the
capital’s city hall where they will plant 15 trees in honour of the
Constitution Day.
In the second half of the
day a grand evening and a festive concert will take place in the Abkhaz
State philharmonic society.
The Constitution Day in
Abkhazia is a day off.
Official Site of the President of the Republic of
club” delegation visisted Abkhazia |
A delegation of the
“Livadia club” Russian non-governmental organization has been on a visit
to the Republic of Abkhazia from November 12 till November 18, 2009. The
purpose of the visit was to study the political and economic situation
in Abkhazia a year after the recognition by Russia of this state as a
full-fledged subject of international relations. The delegation was
headed by the president of the “Livadia club”, a political scientist
Igor Shatrov. The delegation included a well-known specialist in the
Caucasian studies, an ethnopsychologist, a candidate of sciences Anna
Broido and the general director of the “888” Smolensk advertising agency
Victor Babushkin. Getting acquainted with the current situation in the
country, they were visiting cities and settlements of Abkhazia, meeting
with political, public and religious figures, businessmen, speaking with
common citizens. Upon making up a whole conception of the present
situation, the members of the delegation decided to prepare concrete
proposals to the Russian and Abkhaz authorities on further development
of the Russian-Abkhaz relations, interaction of Abkhazia with
international institutions.
On behalf of the
Government of the Republic of Abkhazia the “Livadia club” delegation was
received by the Minister for Foreign Affairs Sergey Shamba. The head of
the foreign policy department discussed with the guests from Moscow the
questions of Abkhazia’s international cooperation in both political and
economic spheres. So, Russians drew attention to the problems Russian
citizens have during the summer period when crossing the border through
the check point on the river Psou. They are caused by the increased
tourist flow and unavailability of the check point from the Russia’s
side to serve such a number of citizens. In order to eliminate such
unpleasant drawbacks of the Abkhaz resorts increasing popularity, border
guard services of Abkhazia and Russia are doing a big joint job, Sergey
Shamba assured.
It was mentioned that
similar problems on land borders in rush seasons exist in any country.
When air communication between our countries starts and railway
communication improves there will be a possibility to redistribute the
tourist flows and the main problems will be eliminated. Serious joint
job is also being done in this direction. As an example the Minister
sais that the day before he had arrived in Abkhazia from Russia by a
chartered flight which had delivered to Sukhum a Moscow delegation led
by the mayor of the Russian capital Jury Luzhkov.
The meeting participants
also discussed with the Minister the prospect of interaction with the "Livadia
club” and the Abkhaz authorities in forming favorable image of the
The Russian guests were
also received by the Chairman of the Council of Elders of the Republic
of Abkhazia Konstantin Konstantinovich Ozgan. A wide range of questions
was discussed during the meeting. In particular, attention was drawn to
the perverted information on modern Abkhaz realities, appearing in
foreign mass-media; ideas which could help change the situation for the
better were discussed. The experienced Abkhaz politician and public
figure expressed his reasoned opinion on the whole spectrum of problems
discussed at the meeting and supported a number of Russians’ ideas and
During the meetings with
political, public and religious figures, businessmen, common citizens
the members of the delegation had, different forms of cooperation
between our countries, in particular, such forms of "people’s diplomacy”,
as twin cities and mutual exchange of delegations of schoolchildren were
discussed. A great attention was given to this issue at the meeting with
the head of the New Athos administration Felix Dautia. He said that New
Athos before the recognition of Abkhazia by Russia had become a Sergiev
Posad’s twin city. This year New Athos has concluded the similar
agreement with Ryazan. It provides for trade and economic, cultural and
social cooperation between the two cities, holding of joint fairs and
exhibitions; it should also promote scientific and cultural exchange
between Ryazan and New Athos. According to Felix Dautia, recently the
New Athos administration has received this kind of cooperation proposals
from different Russian cities on a regular basis. One of the members of
the “Livadia club” delegation, the general director of the Smolensk
“888” advertising agency Victor Babushkin offered to establish similar
mutually advantageous cooperation between New Athos and Smolensk. He
also offered to organize summer vacation for Smolensk children in New
Athos. Felix Dautia in turn declared that exchange of schoolchildren
between New Athos and Smolensk will promote friendship between our
countries even more. “Like the sea and subtropical nature of Abkhazia
attract Smolensk children, the Abkhaz children dream of winter vacation,
of playing snowballs and of going skating”, Felix Dautia said. Victor
Babushkin promised to raise this question in the Smolensk city
administration upon returning to Russia.
The head of the Abkhaz
Orthodox church priest Vissarion Apliaa addressed the “Livadia club”
delegation before the return trip. Father Vissarion received Russians in
the residence in Blagoveshchensky cathedral of Sukhum. He told the
guests from Russia about the history of Orthodoxy in Abkhazia, gave
ministerial parting words, blessed for good deeds which will strengthen
relations between Russia and Abkhazia.
Following the results of
the visit to Abkhazia the president of the “Livadia club” Igor Shatrov
said: “Abkhazia has all to become one of the most successful countries
in the modern world. Being a de-facto full-fledged state for a long time
already, it cannot become de jure such only because it is a hostage of a
big game of politics. The global economic crisis which is only one of
the consequences of the "world system of coordinates” crisis –the international
law and all the machinery of government, coordination and logistics
created on its basis after the Second World War, will promote solution
of the long-drawn problem. Because not only “norms and maxims” in
economy, but also a number of today’s fundamental political dogmata will
be subject to revision. Otherwise the crisis phenomena will repeat again
and again, only accruing and becoming more frequent. I’m certain that
after the economic depression is over, the updated world institutions
will start to admit to their ranks this small country by stages”.
Official Site of the President of the Republic of
Bagapsh took part in the opening of the III South Caucasian economic
forum of business women |
Pitsunda, Sergey Bagapsh took part
in the opening of the III South Caucasian economic forum of business
women organized by “Business women of Abkhazia” non-governmental
organization with support from the republic’s government. The forum was
held in Pitsunda.
Business ladies from
Armenia, Russia, Cyprus, the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus,
Nagorno-Karabakh, Turkey, South Ossetia participated in it.
The first lady of
Abkhazia Marina Shonia and the spouse of the President of the Turkish
Republic of Northern Cyprus Oya Talat were among the honorary guests.
The President of Abkhazia
Sergey Bagapsh addressed the participants with a speech of welcome.
“A good tradition to hold
annually the South Caucasian economic forum of business women in
Pitsunda has been laid”, he said. “In the existing new realities, the
business our dear women carry on is protected not only by the laws of
Abkhazia, but also by intergovernmental agreements. I’m sure of one
thing, if we want to develop as a state, we must develop small and
average businesses and make so that the private initiative, the business
initiative should always be realized. If we manage to make it within the
next few years, then we will build the economy which will be
Bagapsh said private
business projects for which considerable resources from the
Privatization fund are allocated find support in Abkhazia. “We do it
running risks in many respects, as credit repayment is always very
difficult, especially, when we speak about the money invested in the
agrarian sector and the processing industry”, the President noted. “But
without it economic development of the state is impossible”.
Wishing good luck to the
participants of the South Caucasian economic forum of business women,
the President said: “There are unbusinesslike men. And women are all
people of business, creators! And business is creation. Good luck to you!”.
The forum participants
were welcomed by the spouse of the President of the Turkish Republic of
Northern Cyprus Oya Talat who comes to Abkhazia the second year running.
She also welcomed the President of Abkhazia and the first lady. “I thank
you for the hospitality we have enjoyed to the full since the morning.
Here I understood why Abkhazia is called the Country of soul. Here live
very kind, responsive and hospitable people. I wish you all the best”,
she said.
Sergey Bagapsh thanked
Oya Talat and presented the spouse of the President of Northern Cyprus
with a bunch of roses.
Official Site of the President of the Republic of
A wide range of
questions of Abkhazia’s, Russia’s MPs |
A meeting with the
Chairman of the Cooperation Commission of the Federation Council and the
Peoples’ Assembly – the Parliament of the Republic of Abkhazia Oleg
Tolkachev with the assistance of the Defense Ministry of the Russian
Federation representatives and the Co-chairman of the Commission from
the Abkhaz party Pavel Leshchuk took place on November 20 in the
Federation Council.
According to the
spokesperson for the upper Chamber of the Russian Parliament, the
meeting has become the final point in the program of the Republic of
Abkhazia delegation’s stay in Moscow. Within the framework of a week
visit the delegation of Abkhazia has had a number of meetings.
The Federation Council’s
Commission on Cooperation with the Parliament of Abkhazia is headed by
Oleg Tolkachev - the Chairman of the Commission of the Federation
Council on Housing Policy and Housing and Communal Services. The first
deputy Chairman of the Committee on Defense and Security of the
Federation Council Eugenie Serebrenikov and the deputy Chairman of the
Commission on Civil Society Institutions Development of the Federation
Council, a member of the Russia’s parliamentary delegation to PACE
Alexander Pochinok took part in the discussions from the part of the
Federation Council.
The meeting participants
discussed a wide range of questions connected with establishment of
mechanisms of inter-parliamentary interaction and coordination of work
on realization of the Friendship and Cooperation Treaty between Russia
and Abkhazia provisions.
It was also a question of
the situation in Abkhazia and preparation for the elections in the
republic, solution of social problems; return of refugees and passports
issue to the residents, as well as the MPs role in promoting these
Discussion of the
strategy of the Abkhaz and Russian MPs joint actions in international
organizations, in particular, in PACE became a meeting’s special subject.
Summing up the
discussions and negotiations which have taken place during the Abkhaz
delegation’s work in Moscow, Oleg Tolkachev laid emphasis on the
necessity to increase activity in protection of Abkhazia’s interests on
the international scene. Thereupon Oleg Tolkachev drew attention to ever
growing importance of information and propaganda work in the modern
"The Russian senators
show a great interest to the work of the Cooperation Commission of the
Federation Council and the People’s Assembly – the Parliament of the
Republic of Abkhazia. All of us have a sincere desire to see Abkhazia a
free and prosperous state in the right way as soon as possible", Oleg
Tolkachev declared.
Official Site of the President of the Republic of
MPs of the Belarusian
Parliament left Abkhazia today. The day before they had visited the
Abkhaz State University and met with the students.
“Today, when Abkhazia is
on a new stage of its development, we need support first of all from
those countries and states which we are brought together with including
by the historical past connected with being in the united state”, the
ASU pro-rector Victor Malandzia said at the meeting with MPs from
According to him, the
Abkhaz nation has an especially warm attitude to Belarus because this
country’s leadership didn’t support application of economic sanctions
against Abkhazia in the ninetieth.
At the same time
Malandzia said the republic’s residents expected Belarus to become the
second country after Russia to recognize independence of Abkhazia.
The head of the
Belarusian delegation a MP Mikhail Rusyi in turn said the youth is elite
of a society, because tomorrow is with them. “I’m very pleased to have
the chance to meet with you because such meetings give the most complete
picture of expectations and thoughts about the future of any state,
including the Republic of Abkhazia”, Rusyi said.
According to him, “it is
the opinion of the youth that is important to see the real situation in
the republic, to state conclusions and opinions on a wide range of
Answering a student’s
question, “what was it that caused the long-drawn process of the
recognition of independence of Abkhazia by Belarus”, Rusyi said: “The
process hasn’t been drawn out, it has just begun”.
Then the Belarusian MPs
delegation accompanied by the Abkhaz colleagues went to New Athos where
a meeting with the Abkhaz clergy took place.
The acting head of the
Abkhaz Orthodox church priest Vissarion Apliaa told the guests about the
history of the monastery which, according to him, despite different
circumstances, never stopped functioning.
Apliaa also said that by
the initiative and with financial support from the leadership of
Abkhazia a most serious restoration works have been underway in the
monastery for several years.
Rusyi told journalists,
the Belarusian MPs leave Abkhazia with the best impressions.
“We’ll report to our
Parliament and voters on everything we have seen and heard here”, the
delegation’s head Mikhail Rusyi said, summing up the visit. “We’ve met
not only with representatives of the executive and legislative branches
of power, we have spoken to different people - political leaders,
creative intellectuals, young people, clergy and common citizens.
Contacts with people from different strata of society form a complete
impression of a state”.
According to Rusyi, two
more parliamentary groups worked simultaneously in South Ossetia and
Georgia, as “it is necessary to know the opinion of all the parties to
develop a united, correct decision”.
Official Site of the President of the Republic of
Congress of Peru to
consider recognition of Abkhazia and South Ossetia |
Lima, The
opposition Nationalist Party of Peru submitted to the Peruvian Congress
a request to recognize independence of South Ossetia and Abkhazia; the
party is convinced the Congress will have no reason to refuse the
recognition of the two Transcaucasian republics, the party leader
Ollanta Humala said Wednesday.
Humala has become a
popular politician in Peru thanks to the nationalist, antiimperialistic
and antiamerican ideas. In 2006 he ran for presidency and got 44,56 % of
votes (55,45 % voted for the incumbent head of the state Alan Garcia)
and received wide backing from the voters in the poorest areas of Peru.
The Nationalist Party of Peru he heads is the second important political
force in the country.
"Peru is one of the
countries that officially recognized independence of Kosovo. So we
believe that Abkhazia and South Ossetia also deserve being officially
recognized as new republics. This made us submit a request to recognize
these two new republics officially to the executive authority
(Congress)", Humala said.
He adds the
proposal was submitted to the country's Congress last week. Besides the
Peruvian Nationalist Party is holding negotiations with various
political forces and parliamentary groups calling for their support..
"I hope the work
will continue this way and we'll be able to convince the Congress of the
necessity to take this decision (on recognition of the two
Transcaucasian republics)... I see no obstacles for the executive
authority to recognize their independence. If Kosovo has already been
recognized, it has no weighty arguments not to recognize South Ossetia
and Abkhazia", Humala stressed.
Official Site of the President of the Republic of
1255 tons of
tangerines, 1317 tons of persimmons and over 400 tons of feijoa have
been exported from Abkhazia to Russia for
1,5 month |
1255 tons of
tangerines, 1317 tons of persimmons and over 400 tons of feijoa have
been exported from Abkhazia to Russia for a month and a half, the
republic's Ministry of Agriculture told "Apsnypress". These days mass
harvesting is in progress in the citrus-growing industry.
According to the
forecast of the Ministry, up to 27 thousand tons of citrus will be
exported to Russia till the end of the tangerine season. "In Abkhazia we
grow ecologically clean citrus, feijoa and Japanese persimmon. Nitrates
as fertilizers are not used in the industry", the Minister of
Agriculture Yury Akaba noted.
As to kiwifruit,
according to Aqaba, the Minisrty of Agriculture has no exact information
yet how much has been exported. " But the demand for this exotic fruit
is also considerable", he said.
Akaba is certain,
Russians will give preference traditionally to fragrant Abkhaz
tangerines for the New Year's holidays.
Official Site of the President of the Republic of
Sergey Bagapsh received a delegation of the Belarusian Parliamentary
delegation |
President Sergey Bagapsh has received a delegation of the Belarusian
Welcoming the
delegation, the head of the state said Abkhazia and Belarus are
connected by old friendship. "And the head of Belarus behaviour when
economic blockade of Abkhazia was applied remains in the memory of the
nation and leadership for ever", Bagapsh said.
The President
stressed Abkhazia will carry on a dialogue with all who wish to speak
with it. At the same time he said: "We are not going to beg anybody,
make any demands for someone to recognize our independence".
"I've repeatedly
told Alexander Lukashenko about it, as well as that those who have been
close to us during hard times for us, will remain such. And time will
tell how the process of the recognition of independence of Abkhazia will
proceed", Bagapsh said. "We understand that in this complicated world
not all comes easy.
"Anyway Abkhazia
knows it has friends and countries which it would like to cast in its
lot with. They are the Russian Federation, Belarus and some other
countries", Bagapsh noted.
In turn the head of
the Belarusian delegation Mikhail Rusyi thanked the country leaders for
the chance given to see a full picture of what is happening in
"We've been to the
Parliament of Abkhazia, met with the Speaker and heads of Committees of
the People's Assembly; very interesting and detailed talks in the
Government we have had. We were very much satisfied with the meeting
with the Minister for Foreign Affairs Sergey Shamba, and the documents
we've received in the foreign policy department will help us to sum up
the visit. At the meeting with the Defense Minister of Abkhazia we were
explained a lot of details which were very important for us", Mikhail
Rusyi said.
Official Site of the President of the Republic of
Shamba believes the question of the recognition of independence of
Abkhazia by Belarus is not settled so easily |
Sukhum, The
Minister for Foreign Affairs of Abkhazia Sergey Shamba believes the
question of the recognition of independence of Abkhazia by Belarus is
not settled so easily. “The fact that the delegation of Belarus is here
is an indicator that the process goes on. Belarus is close to it, since
it has started to look into this matter”, the head of the Ministry for
Foreign Affairs told journalists after a meeting.
Shamba ascertained
that Abkhazia is interested in establishing diplomatic relations with
such friendly nations and states like Belarus.
The Foreign
Ministry head expressed hope that “sooner or later the question of the
recognition of independence of Abkhazia will be settled by Belarus”.
“Time will tell when it will happen”, he concluded.
Official Site of the President of the Republic of
Belarusian MPs: “We
are ready for cooperation with Abkhazian Parliament” |
Sukhum, A group of the Belarusian
“parliament” had a meeting in Sukhum with members of the parliament of
the republic of Abkhazia.
A process of Abkhazia’s recognition is
irreversible, the country’s speaker Nuzgar Ashuba said. “We do not hurry
and do not hurry anybody. We have been struggling for independence not
for some time, for two, three, or ten years. We have been struggling for
independence forever,” he added.
As Interfax news agency reports, the
speaker noted Abkhazia would like Belarus to recognize their
independence. He emphasized: “Every country has own national interests
which come before everything for people’s representatives. If the
Belarusian parliament is guided by these ideas and delays consideration
of Abkhazia’s recognizance, we’ll understand this.”
Ashuba also reminded that Belarus was the
only country at the CIS summit that hadn’t signed the document on
economic blockade of Abkhazia in 1997.
Mikhail Rusy, the head of standing
commission of the “house of representatives” of the “national assembly”
on Chernobyl disaster consequences, ecology and environmental management,
said that Belarus is interested in closer ties with Abkhazia.
“Our parliament has groups on cooperation
with 43 states. I think a group on cooperation with the parliament of
Abkhazia can be formed,” Rusy said.
According to him, an objective report
would be made by the parliamentary group and presented to the parliament,
government, and Alyaksandr Lukashenka.
The MP group arrived in Abkhazia on
Tuesday and plans to stay there until November 20.
As Rusy said on Wednesday at a meeting
with Abkhazian foreign minister Sergei Shamba, the visit of the
Belarusian MPs was aimed at “establishing inter-parliamentary relations,
studying the economic situation in the republic and an opportunity to
recognize the Republic of Abkhazia in respect of the parliament’s
As the press service of the Abkhazian
Ministry of Foreign Affairs reports, Shamba noted the country was
interested in “development of the bilateral ties between Belarus in all
“The minister thanked the MPs for the
visit to Abkhazia and expressed a hope for early recognition of Abkhazia
by Belarus,” the MFA press service informs.
The parliamentary group is to have a
meeting with president of Abkhazia Sergei Bagapsh on Wednesday evening.
Charter 97
starts using Russian phone codes |
Sukhum, The republic of Abkhazia
switched to Russian telephone codes at midnight on Sunday, the
republic's information and communications department said.
Abkhazia and Russia signed a memorandum
in September that would help the republic establish its own independent
telecommunication and postal services.
The existing Georgian phone code will run
parallel be effective until January 1, 2010. When dialing a number in
Abkhazia, callers will need to use Russia's country code +7 as of
Russia recognized the
independence of Abkhazia and South Ossetia last August after a five-day
war with Georgia over the latter, which was attacked by Tbilisi in an
attempt to bring it back under central control.
Under mutual assistance treaties signed
last November, Russia pledged to help South Ossetia and Abkhazia protect
their borders, and the signatories granted each other the right to set
up military bases in their respective territories.
RIA Novosti
Moscow government
delivers humanitarian supplies to Abkhazia |
The Moscow government delivered humanitarian supplies to Abkhazia on
The humanitarian supplies, which include a
vehicle for the emergencies department and an ambulance, various
equipment, electric transformers, cables, 20 computers and other cargoes,
were delivered to Sukhum on Friday.
Moscow Mayor Yuri Luzhkov handed over
personally the humanitarian supplies to the Abkhazian leadership. The
official handover ceremony was held on the Freedom Square in Sukhum,
where the Moscow mayor and Abkhazian President Sergei Bagapsh came.
“The issue of asphalt supplies to build
the roads in the republic will be solved at Sergei Bagapsh’s request,”
the Moscow mayor said. “We are supporting Abkhazia for many years and
are trying to fulfill each request of this republic,” Yuri Luzhkov told
Russia also needs to
reset relations with EU |
As was to be expected, the routine Geneva
meeting on the South Caucasus has not produced a solution. Moreover,
subsequent meetings are unlikely to yield a positive result either, a
Russian politician says.
Mikhail Margelov, chairman of the
International Affairs Committee of the Federation Council, the upper
house of Russia's parliament, said the negotiators have amicable coffee
breaks because their positions cannot be reconciled.
The Georgian and European delegates
address any issue on the meetings' agenda as if it concerns indivisible
Georgia, while their opponents think it concerns the independent South
Ossetia and Abkhazia.
No matter what issue you put on their
agenda, they will always address it from opposing sides, the politician
Georgian and European delegates speak
about the need to send EU observers to Georgia, meaning South Ossetia
and Abkhazia.
Russia will say that this is the
competence of the two republics, whose independence it has recognized.
And Abkhazia and South Ossetia say that
the Western observers are biased, which is a logical assumption given
the media ballyhoo in Europe and America before, during and after the
August 2008 South Ossetian war.
In Margelov's opinion, the European Union
seems to have done everything it possibly could. French President
Nicolas Sarkozy was the main peacemaker, and Swiss diplomat Heidi
Tagliavini, head of the EU investigation into the causes of the 2008
war, has said that it was Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili who
provoked the war.
The EU only needs to recognize the
independence of South Ossetia and Abkhazia, which it will not do, while
the two republics will never give up their hard-won independence, and
Russia will not withdraw its recognition of their independence.
This contradiction will not be removed
even if Abkhazia and South Ossetia agree to let EU observers in.
The top Russian officials are now speaking
about modernization, which brings to the fore the issue of Russia's
relations with the EU, Margelov said. Russia needs to reset its
relations with the EU as much as with the United States. Will the Geneva
talks influence the probability of resetting relations?
Influential EU members have recently lost
all and any sympathy for Saakashvili, and resetting Moscow-Brussels
relations also implies a review of priorities. Therefore, "deeper
understanding" in Geneva is unlikely to hinder the development of
Russia-EU relations in such key spheres as energy and European security,
Margelov concludes.
mayor to deliver humanitarian aid to Abkhazia |
Sukhum, Moscow Mayor Yuri Luzhkov
will visit Abkhazia on Friday to hand over humanitarian aid and sign an
agreement on food supplies to the republic, an Abkhaz presidential
spokesman said.
Moscow will deliver office equipment,
computers and electrical equipment, cables and car tires to Abkhazia.
The Russian city will also give the republic a rescue vehicle, an
ambulance and laboratory and medicinal equipment.
Luzhkov allocated 1.2 million rubles
($41,000) for the delivery of the cargo and customs clearance.
During his stay in Abkhazia, the Moscow
mayor is also expected to visit a Russian border guard base.
Russia recognized Abkhazia and another
former Georgian republic, South Ossetia, as independent after a five-day
war over the latter with Georgia last August.
Last summer, the Moscow mayor suggested
Georgia recognize the independence of both Abkhazia and South Ossetia,
referring to what he described as the inevitable drive for sovereignty
in Europe and globally.
RIA Novosti
contests stability statements in Georgian conflict zone |
Moscow, Russia has refuted
statements by partners in Geneva in regard to the stabilization of the
situation in the Georgian-South Ossetian conflict zones, a Russian
deputy minister said on Wednesday.
Grigory Karasin said the co-chairmen at
the discussions in Geneva are convinced that the situation in the border
zones between Georgia and the republics of South Ossetia and Abkhazia
have been stabilized. The Russian and South Ossetian delegations have
refuted the statement.
"However, that is not the way it
is...[Georgian] military drones have started flying over South Ossetia
and Abkhazia," Karasin, who heads the Russian delegation, told RIA
The Georgian Foreign Ministry said in a
statement published on Wednesday it is prepared to look into drafting an
agreement on non-aggression only if it is considered the victim of
"Georgia is prepared to look into drafting
a non-aggression agreement, but only if the parties of that agreement
will be Russia as the aggressor and Georgia as the victim of aggression,"
the ministry's statement reads, adding "20% of [Georgia's] territory is
occupied today."
The head of the independent investigative
commission on the August 2008 conflict, Swiss diplomat Heidi Tagliavini,
presented a report in September with the findings of the commission to
the heads of the delegations of Russia, Georgia, the EU, OSCE and the
UN. The report indicated Tbilisi as starting the 5-day war with Russia
over South Ossetia, calling
Russia's military response "legal."
RIA Novosti
S.Ossetia to report in Geneva on possible Georgian attack |
Russia and the South Ossetia are set to raise the issue of a possible
Georgian attack on its former territories during the Geneva talks on
situation in the Caucasus to begin on Wednesday.
The Geneva talks are backed by the UN, the
EU and the OSCE and involve Georgia, Russia, South Ossetia and Abkhazia.
The previous, seventh round of talks took place in September.
Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Grigory
Karasin said Russia had "alarming facts" that show that Tbilisi was
still counting on using force to regain control over the republics of
Abkhazia and South Ossetia.
He also said that Russia would again raise
the question of concluding treaties on the non-use of force between
Georgia and its former republics.
South Ossetia said it would also present "conclusive
evidence" that a new Georgian aggression against South Ossetia is being
The Georgian delegation plans to raise the
issue of four Georgian teenagers, detained in South Ossetia reportedly
while in possession of grenades and explosive substances. In a similar
move, South Ossetia will urge the release of three of its nationals
apparently abducted from its territory by Georgian special services on
October 13, 2008.
Russia recognized the independence of the
republics of Abkhazia and South Ossetia last August after a five-day war
with Georgia over the latter, which was attacked by Tbilisi in an
attempt to bring it back under central control.
RIA Novosti
Grigory Karasin:
We managed to advance" on
a whole range of practical issues
at the Geneva talks |
Geneva, At
the Geneva Talks on security and stability in Transcaucasia "we managed
to advance" on a whole range of practical issues, the head of the
Russian delegation, Deputy Foreign Minister of the Russian Federation
Grigory Karasin said at a press conference. He cited the issues "connected
with mechanisms of incidents prevention and response" as an example.
"These mechanisms
work, all interested parties participate in them, practical issues are
discussed”, Karasin said. The diplomat admitted discussions concerning
the code of principles on the non-use of force were tense and "the
parties disagreed on many aspects since the modes of implementing these
agreements from the Georgian, South Ossetian and Abkhaz sides are too
different". According to Karasin, it is caused by the fact that these
conceptions are viewed diffrenetly.
At the same time
Deputy Foreign Minister of the Russian Federation promised "the
discussion will be continued at the following meetings", expressing hope
that “we’ll be able to speak about concrete issues” having “objective,
purposeful character”. The diplomat is certain that an agreement between
Georgia and South Ossetia, Georgia and Abkhazia must be signed, adding
that "participants of the Geneva Talks and international organizations
are ready to be guarantors of such an agreement".
Karasin said
advancement to the agreement would not be easy of what today's exchange
of opinions was evidence. "But we need to continue looking for the
keystones which will lead us to new conditions of long-term stability in
the Southern Caucasus", MFA Depury Minister emphasized.
The ninth round of
the discussions on security and stability in Transcaucasia held since
last October in Geneva under the aegis of the United Nations, the EU and
OSCE with participation of Abkhazia, Georgia, Russia, the USA and South
Ossetia delegations will take place on January 28, 2010.
Official Site of the President of the Republic of
round of the
discussions on security and stability in Transcaucasia to be held today
in Geneva |
The eighth round of the discussions on security and stability in
Transcaucasia will be held today in Geneva. Delegations of the Republic
of Abkhazia, Georgia, Russia, the USA, the Republic of South Ossetia
take part in the consultations held under the aegis of the United
Nations, the EU and OSCE.
The discussion will
be carried on in two working groups - on the issues of security and on
humanitarian subjects. A discussion of the unofficial document on the
non-use of force presented in September in Geneva is expected to be
continued. The arrangement that the co-chairmen would complete the
document in order "to collect basic elements of the consent of all the
parties" was reached then within the frameworks of the seventh round of
the discussions.
These meetings have
been held since October, 2008 on the basis of arrangements of the
presidents of Russia and France, reached after the repulse of the
Georgian aggression against South Ossetia in August, 2008.
The Russian
delegation is headed by the Deputy Foreign Minister Grigory Karasin, the
South Ossetian by the President of the Republic’s Plenipotentiary on
postconflict settlement Boris Chochiev, the Abkhaz one by the
President’s aide for international issues Vyacheslav Chirikba, the
Georgian delegation by the Deputy Foreign Minister Georgy Bokeria.
Official Site of the President of the Republic of
Abkhaz delegation to
take part in Geneva discussions on security on the Caucasus |
Sukhum, A
delegation of Abkhazia will take part in the next round of the Geneva
discussions on security in Transcaucasia. The discussions will be held
on November 11.
The delegation
includes: the President’s aide on international issues Vyacheslav
Chirikba, the Deputy Defense Minister Garry Kupalba, Vice-minister for
Foreign Affairs Maksim Gunjia, the chief of the International Department
of the Ministry for Foreign Affairs Lana Agrba and a member of the
executive committee of the International Association of Abkhaz-Abazin (Abaza)
people Zeki Kapba. The chief of the MFA Information Department Irakly
Tuzhba told Apsnypress.
Lana Agrba and
Maksim Gunjia will work in the group on humanitarian issues, Vyacheslav
Chirikba, Zeki Kapba and Garry Kupalba in the group on security.
Official Site of the President of the Republic of
Five presidential
candidates registered in Abkhazia |
Sukhum, The Abkhaz Central
Elections Commission registered five presidential candidates on Friday.
These are Abkhaz Sea Shipping Company
President Zaur Ardzynba, incumbent President Sergei Bagapsh, Ph.D.
Vitaly Bganba, Economic Development Party Chairman Beslan Butba and
former vice-president Raul Hajymba, a commission source told
Alexander Ankuab will run for
vice-presidency together with Bagapsh.
The other duos are Butba – former interior
minister Almasbei Kchach; Bganba – historian David Dasania, Hajymba –
Abkhaz Humanitarian Research Institute Director Vasily Avidzba and
Ardzynba – former head of the Ochamchira district administration Khrips
The election will take place on December
Rector of the Abkhaz State University Aleko Guaramia became a member of
the Club of the Rectors of Europe |
The Rector of the Abkhaz
State University academician Aleko Guaramia became a member of the Club
of the Rectors of Europe. The certificate and the cloak were officially
presented in the Oxford University at the Oxford Summit of Leaders.
The Oxford Summit of
Leaders is one of the most representative business events in the
southeast of the Great Britain. Traditionally held in the centre of the
world scientific community, in the city of Oxford, it gathers together
annually representatives from more than 20 countries of the world in the
assembly hall of the city hall.
The organizers of the
Oxford Summit of Leaders of business, science and art are the Europe
Business Assembly, the Thames Valley Chamber of Commerce Group, the Club
of Leaders International, the Club of the Rectors of Europe.
Official Site of the President of the Republic of
sets up working group on Abkhazia, S.Ossetia recognition |
Minsk, The Belarusian parliament
has resolved to establish a working group to consider the recognition of
the republics of Abkhazia and South Ossetia, a RIA Novosti correspondent
reported on Thursday.
The parliament's CIS and foreign affairs
commission "has resolved to establish a working group from members of
both houses of parliament to prepare the [recognition] issue for
consideration in Belarus's National Assembly," commission head Sergei
Maskevich said.
The commission has also suggested sending
a parliamentary delegation of about 10 lawmakers to Georgia, South
Ossetia and Abkhazia to study the situation in the region. The visit is
tentatively scheduled for late November.
Russia recognized the two republics
shortly after a five-day war with Georgia in August 2008 that began when
Georgian forces attacked South Ossetia in an attempt to bring it back
under central control. Abkhazia and South Ossetia have also been
recognized by Nicaragua and Venezuela.
The two republics' authorities asked
Belarus to recognize the independence of Abkhazia and South Ossetia last
year. However, Belarus has so far refused to join Russia in recognizing
the republics.
RIA Novosti
to consider recognition of Abkhazia and South Ossetia |
Minsk, The Belarusian parliament is
to consider next week the recognition of the republics of Abkhazia and
South Ossetia, the head of the presidential administration said.
"Next week, the parliament will begin
considering the recognition of Abkhazia and South Ossetia," Vladimir
Makei said, adding Belarusian lawmakers are to visit the republics in
order "to study the situation."
Russia recognized the two republics
shortly after a five-day war with Georgia in August 2008 that began when
Georgian forces attacked South Ossetia in an attempt to bring it back
under central control. Abkhazia and South Ossetia have also been
recognized by Nicaragua and Venezuela.
The two republics' authorities asked
Belarus to recognize the independence of Abkhazia and South Ossetia last
year. However, Belarus has so far refused to join Russia in recognizing
the republics.
Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko
said in early October that unnamed forces in Russia were to blame for
Minsk's refusal. Lukashenko blamed reports in Russia's state-controlled
media, which said Belarus's reluctance to recognize the regions was a
response to
Russia's refusal to grant the remaining $500 million of a loan.
However, Lukashenko then urged Russia to
be patient and said "we will settle the issue."
Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Grigory
Karasin earlier said Russia is
not putting pressure on Belarus to recognize the republics.
RIA Novosti
Minsk Forum:
Europeans fear recognition of South Ossetia and Abkhazia by Minsk |
Possible recognition of South Ossetia and
Abkhazia by Belarus would contradict the spirit of cooperation and would
unlikely to facilitate it in the framework of Eastern Partnership policy.
It has been stated by Hans-Dieter Lukas,
special envoy of the German Foreign Ministry for Eastern Europe, Central
Asia and the Caucasus in his speech at 12th Minsk Forum on November 5.
A representative of the Foreign Ministry
of Germany called the position of the EU on this issue “clear”, as
independence of these regions haven’t been recognized by any country of
the European Union, or by any country partner of the EU New policy.
In his turn, Stefan Eriksson, Ambassador
of Sweden which is presiding in the European Union, called the position
of Minsk that still hasn’t recognized independence of the breakaway
republics “wise”. The diplomat noted that it is a right of Belarus to
adopt any decision on this issue.
Karl-Georg Wellman, a Bundestag deputy,
underlined that the EU condemned the way chosen by Russia to solve
territorial conflicts. “I doubt that recognition of correctness of such
Russian policy by Belarus would be reasonable,” the German deputy said
as quoted by BelaPAN.
Abkhazia to
find balance between independence and strategic cooperation with Russia |
The upcoming December 12 presidential
elections in Abkhazia are fundamentally different from the previous
three - the campaign will be the first since the beginning of the
process of recognition of Abkhazian independence, writes political
analyst Sergei Markedonov.
Regardless of the new South Caucasian
status quo, the elections will seriously test the intentions of the
partially recognized republic's elite to build up its statehood in line
with its real potential.
With Moscow's recognition of its
independence in August last year, Abkhazia crossed an extremely
important boundary.
Georgian claims to "restore territorial
integrity" have ceased to be an important political issue for the
Abkhazian elite. The national elite now aims to fill Abkhazian
independence with genuine substance and higher quality. In the final
analysis, the struggle against the "little empire" was not launched in
the 1990s to replace one patron with another.
Abkhazia possesses the necessary
potential. Unlike South Ossetia, the republic has a state project,
rather than just "aspirations for unification." Abkhazia boasts a far
more intricate domestic political space and an opposition (inside the
republic, rather than in Moscow), an independent media, five years'
experience of normal co-existence between those winning and losing
presidential elections, and a diversified foreign policy.
However, Abkhazia's one-sided political
dependence on Russia has increased. Russia is no longer a peacekeeper,
but rather a guarantor of national self-determination and the main
contributor of funding to the republic's budget.
It would be appropriate to note that the
new "guarantor" does not favor democracy, political competition or
unauthorized contacts with the outside world very much.
Markedonov concludes that the Abkhazian
elite will have to solve an extremely difficult puzzle: how to assert
its independence while maintaining strategic cooperation with Moscow.
RIA Novosti
groups on candidates nomination submitted subscription lists to central
election commision |
Sukhum, Initiative
groups on nomination of presidential candidates of the Republic of
Abkhazia Raul Hajymba, Zaur Ardzynba and Vitaly Bganba have submitted
subscription lists to the Central Election Commission, the republic’s
Central Election Commission said.
Nomination of
presidential candidates finishes today.
From November 3 till
November 12 the Central Election Commission will be registering
Official Site of the President of the Republic of
Shamba met with Pridnestrovian MFA delegation |
Sukhum, The
Minister for Foreign Affairs Sergey Shamba met with the Minister for
Foreign Affairs of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic Vladimir
Yastrebchak and the PMR Deputy Foreign Minister Sergey Simonenko who are
in Abkhazia these days. Harry Kupalba the PMR representative to the
Republic of Abkhazia attended the meeting.
The Ministers exchanged
information about the situation in Abkhazia and the Pridnestrovian
Moldavian Republic, discussed further prospects of development of both
the republics. The Geneva discussions, pentalateral meetings in Gal as
well as mutual relations between the PMR and Moldova were touched upon
at the meeting.
Official Site of the President of the Republic of
Federal funds
rate of the National Bank of Abkhazia |
Sukhum, The
National Bank of the Republic of Abkhazia brings to the notice of
commercial banks, business entities and all interested organizations
that he Bank of Abkhazia establishes the federal funds rate of 12% on
the credits given to commercial banks.
The rate of 12 % is
applied when the fine paid to clients by banks, according to article 31
of the Law of the Republic of Abkhazia “About banks and bank activity”
is calculated.
Official Site of the President of the Republic of